Creating Objects with ES6 Classes A Modern Approach

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ES6 classes present a modern, syntactical sugar over JavaScript’s existing prototype-based inheritance. They simplify object creation and provide a clearer, more familiar structure for those from classical OOP backgrounds.

Using the `class` keyword, developers define templates for creating objects. These templates include a `constructor` method for initializing object properties and can contain other methods for shared behaviors. Here’s a simple example showcasing a `Car` class:


class Car {

constructor(make, model, year) {

this.make = make;

this.model = model;

this.year = year;


describe() {

return `${this.year} ${this.make} ${this.model}`;



const myCar = new Car(‘Toyota’, ‘Corolla’, 2020);

console.log(myCar.describe()); // Outputs: 2020 Toyota Corolla

This example illustrates how classes streamline object creation, encapsulating properties and methods within a cohesive structure. This readability and ease of use make ES6 classes a popular choice for modern JavaScript development.

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